Kunst im kirchlichen Raum

Natural Hazards

Originated in 1990, 30 exhibits

"Natural Hazards" refer to natural catastrophes, but also imply natural disintegration and dynamics of nature. Unpredictable weather constellations can produce droughts or floods as well as moderate climates.

In this early cycle of paintings Jacques Gassmann for the first time chooses a comprehensive perspective. He looks at specific segments from a far, almost stellar distance. Landscape becomes a continent or the surface of the earth. The artist's painting technique produces a microscopic effect, although his Ogrody technique had not yet been invented. Human dimensions are confronted with the dimensions of the forces of nature.

This cycle can be regarded as a forerunner of Gassmann's outstanding cycle of paintings on the Apokalypse.

Frank Schablewski, Düsseldorf, 1990

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